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Our Innovations

At X³ Innovations

we See, Move and Create the future of



Our Innovations

Multiple perspectives create infinite possibilities.

Innovative SuperAlloys and Unmatched Peformance Replacing Tungsten Carbide (WC) in Corrosion and Wear Resistance!

Innovations for high performance SuperAlloys

Innovations are our wellspring and our driving force. X3 Innovations is one of the world's most innovative companies in high performance corrosion and wear resistant SuperAlloys.

Our Expertise and Passion bring research, development and product together with the needs in corrosion and wear protection.

We work with industrial partners.

We talk to customers.

We analyze the corrosion and wear accordingly.

This allows us to offer the best products to each client, regardless of their level of corrosion and wear.

X3 Innovations innovates best SuperAlloys for Plasticating Components for more productivity and less downtime and less MRO cost.

Our success is driven by research!