People, Planet, Profit
Enviroment, Employees and Society
We want to contribute to a world that provides a viable future with enhanced quality of life for everyone. We do so by creating our products for our customers and society and by making the best use of available resources. Sustainability is at the core of what we do.
We act responsibly and in everything we do, we never compromise on safety. We focus on prevention in order to operate safely and to transport, handle and store our products safely. We respond to emergencies by being well prepared at all times and at all sites. In addition, we are well prepared to take professional action should any potential events occur. The expertise of our emergency response experts is available around the network of emergency contact numbers.
The sustainable use of water and worldwide conservation of natural water resources are of concern to us. We reduce emissions to water from our production processes, and offer products that save water and improve water quality.
Worldwide, water is becoming an increasingly scarce resource. The sustainable use of water and worldwide conservation of natural water resources are therefore of concern to us. We reduce emissions to water from our production processes, and offer products that save water and improve water quality.
Employees and Society
Corporate Security
We protect our employees, business partners, sites and the critical assets of the company against intentions by third parties. With our standardized concepts we ensure the necessary framework. On a daily basis we monitor and evaluate relevant imminent dangers, threats and the resulting risks. If applicable we implement appropriate measures at an early stage.
Occupational Safety
We never compromise on safety. This is a commitment enshrined in our strategy. For us, that means ensuring safe working conditions. Our valid safety concepts serve to protect employees, contractors and our neighbors.
Employee Development
We want our employees to make the most of their talents and their job – and we offer many ways to do that including development of all employees.
Information Protection
Our information protection activities focus on enhancing the protection of sensitive business information by raising the awareness of all employees and to ensure that the corresponding internal requirements will be respected. One of the main tasks of our worldwide network of more than 600 information protection officers is to inform employees about the risks associated with day-to-day work when handling sensitive information and when using current means of communication and networks, and to familiarize them with measures of protection.
Tests relating to central aspects of information protection are enshrined in audits and reviews.